Prayer and Liturgy

(Collective Worship)


At Saint Joseph’s Infant and Junior Schools, prayer and liturgy play a fundamental part of daily school life and enables us to all join together as one in prayer and worship.  Sometimes, this will be in class prayer, at other times it may involve children in the year group joining together in prayer, or it may be in a year group assembly or as a whole school.

Children are encouraged to learn a selection of traditional prayers in each year group, but are also encouraged to devise their own personal prayers.  Please follow the link below to see the progression of prayer learned in each year.  Every classroom has a focal point for prayer which is appropriate to the liturgical season.

Children are introduced to a variety of different ways of praying.

  • quiet reflection / meditation
  • spontaneous prayer
  • praying together
  • writing our own prayers
  • prayers through music
  • learning traditional Catholic prayers 

All classes are named after a saint and children are encouraged to pray to their special saint. The children wear their own clothes in on their saint’s feast day.

Prayer and Liturgy

(Collective Worship)


At Saint Joseph’s Infant and Junior Schools, prayer and liturgy play a fundamental part of daily school life and enables us to all join together as one in prayer and worship.  Sometimes, this will be in class prayer, at other times it may involve children in the year group joining together in prayer, or it may be in a year group assembly or as a whole school.

Children are encouraged to learn a selection of traditional prayers in each year group, but are also encouraged to devise their own personal prayers.  Please follow the link below to see the progression of prayer learned in each year.  Every classroom has a focal point for prayer which is appropriate to the liturgical season.

Children are introduced to a variety of different ways of praying.

  • quiet reflection / meditation
  • spontaneous prayer
  • praying together
  • writing our own prayers
  • prayers through music
  • learning traditional Catholic prayers 

All classes are named after a saint and children are encouraged to pray to their special saint. The children wear their own clothes in on their saint’s feast day.