
St Joseph's Infant School is in a Hard Federation with St Joseph's Junior School and so both schools share the same Governing Body. 

"Governing boards are the strategic decision makers and vision setters in every school and academy. They play a vital role in ensuring the best possible education for every child by creating a robust accountability for school leaders." (DFE, Governance Handbook, Nov 2015).


Governing Bodies have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

a)  Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b)  Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its

    pupils and the performance management of staff;

c)  Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


A full outline of the statutory work of Governing Bodies is outlined in the latest March 2019 version of the DfES Governors’ Handbook. 

Please click here to access this document

Some examples of governors’ duties include:

- Agreeing the aims of the school curriculum and ensuring  they are worked towards

- Agreeing the strategic aims of the School Improvement Plan and evaluating  regular updates on progress.

- Appointing  and performance managing the Headteacher

- Keeping the performance management targets of all teaching staff under review

- Setting targets for pupils’ performance and submitting results to the Local Authority (LA).

- Agreeing how the delegated school’s budget is to be used each year deciding, in consultation, how sex education and religious education should be taught in the school appointing panels to deal with official complaints and exclusions deciding what charges should be made for activities outside school hours.

- Ensuring the school complies with the equality duties set out in Government legislation

- Ensuring that the school is compliant with all the Statutory Duties required by the Department for Education.


The Headteacher, the School Business Manager and other senior staff formally report to the full Governing Body each term and there are a range of processes for consulting on issues throughout the year.  

 You can contact the Governing Body by writing to the Chair of Governors, Mrs F Marini via the school office.  

Governors very much welcome thoughts, ideas and issues that the school community would like to discuss and thank parents for their valuable contributions to Annual Questionnaires and Parent View.   

Governors please access the Infant School Website for the 'Governors Secure Area'

Click here for the Instrument of Governance



St Joseph's Infant School is in a Hard Federation with St Joseph's Junior School and so both schools share the same Governing Body. 

"Governing boards are the strategic decision makers and vision setters in every school and academy. They play a vital role in ensuring the best possible education for every child by creating a robust accountability for school leaders." (DFE, Governance Handbook, Nov 2015).


Governing Bodies have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

a)  Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b)  Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its

    pupils and the performance management of staff;

c)  Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


A full outline of the statutory work of Governing Bodies is outlined in the latest March 2019 version of the DfES Governors’ Handbook. 

Please click here to access this document

Some examples of governors’ duties include:

- Agreeing the aims of the school curriculum and ensuring  they are worked towards

- Agreeing the strategic aims of the School Improvement Plan and evaluating  regular updates on progress.

- Appointing  and performance managing the Headteacher

- Keeping the performance management targets of all teaching staff under review

- Setting targets for pupils’ performance and submitting results to the Local Authority (LA).

- Agreeing how the delegated school’s budget is to be used each year deciding, in consultation, how sex education and religious education should be taught in the school appointing panels to deal with official complaints and exclusions deciding what charges should be made for activities outside school hours.

- Ensuring the school complies with the equality duties set out in Government legislation

- Ensuring that the school is compliant with all the Statutory Duties required by the Department for Education.


The Headteacher, the School Business Manager and other senior staff formally report to the full Governing Body each term and there are a range of processes for consulting on issues throughout the year.  

 You can contact the Governing Body by writing to the Chair of Governors, Mrs F Marini via the school office.  

Governors very much welcome thoughts, ideas and issues that the school community would like to discuss and thank parents for their valuable contributions to Annual Questionnaires and Parent View.   

Governors please access the Infant School Website for the 'Governors Secure Area'

Click here for the Instrument of Governance
