Admissions 2025-2026

To start academic year 2025-2026 (SEPT 2025)



 St. Joseph’s Catholic Junior School was founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for children of Catholic families. As a Catholic school, we aim to provide a Catholic education for all our pupils.  At a Catholic school, Catholic doctrine and practice permeate every aspect of the school’s activity.  It is essential that the Catholic character of the school’s education is fully supported by all families in the school.  All families applying are therefore expected to give their full, unreserved and positive support for the aims and ethos of the school.

 The governing body has responsibility for admissions to this school. The Published Admissions Number {PAN} is 70 pupils for admission to Year 3 each academic year. 

 Unsuccessful candidates will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will be maintained in order of the over-subscription criteria set out in the current Admissions Policy and not in the order in which applications are received or added to the list.

 Admission Arrangements 2025-26

Full details of our current admission arrangements as well as the admission arrangements are explained in the documents below. All queries should be directed to the School.

Saint Joseph's Junior School 

Chatsworth Avenue,



020 8902 3438

Saint Joseph's Junior School Year 3 Admission Policy 2025-26 (Click here to open) 

The Junior School supplementary Information Form for admission (SIF) ( Click here to open) 

Downloadable documents below, please click on the links:

View St Joseph's Parish Boundary here 

View St Erconwald's Parish boundary here


If you are applying for a Year Three class place, you will also need to complete the Brent admissions form.  Please click here for further information about the Brent Admissions process.


Further information, regarding applying for a primary school place in Brent, can be found at the following web link. 



Our Policy was last consulted upon in 2022.

Click here for more information on applying for a school place and appeals.



You have the right of appeal for a place at any school you listed on your application. You are strongly advised to accept a place at an alternative school in the meantime. This will ensure that your child will have a school place if your appeal is unsuccessful. The outcome of your appeal will not be affected by accepting a place at another school.

In year: if you wish to appeal against a decision please write formally to our chair of Govoners

Mrs. F. Marini or-

Appeals resulting from in-year applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

Click here for more information on applying for a school place and appeals.



Admissions 2025-2026

To start academic year 2025-2026 (SEPT 2025)



 St. Joseph’s Catholic Junior School was founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for children of Catholic families. As a Catholic school, we aim to provide a Catholic education for all our pupils.  At a Catholic school, Catholic doctrine and practice permeate every aspect of the school’s activity.  It is essential that the Catholic character of the school’s education is fully supported by all families in the school.  All families applying are therefore expected to give their full, unreserved and positive support for the aims and ethos of the school.

 The governing body has responsibility for admissions to this school. The Published Admissions Number {PAN} is 70 pupils for admission to Year 3 each academic year. 

 Unsuccessful candidates will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will be maintained in order of the over-subscription criteria set out in the current Admissions Policy and not in the order in which applications are received or added to the list.

 Admission Arrangements 2025-26

Full details of our current admission arrangements as well as the admission arrangements are explained in the documents below. All queries should be directed to the School.

Saint Joseph's Junior School 

Chatsworth Avenue,



020 8902 3438

Saint Joseph's Junior School Year 3 Admission Policy 2025-26 (Click here to open) 

The Junior School supplementary Information Form for admission (SIF) ( Click here to open) 

Downloadable documents below, please click on the links:

View St Joseph's Parish Boundary here 

View St Erconwald's Parish boundary here


If you are applying for a Year Three class place, you will also need to complete the Brent admissions form.  Please click here for further information about the Brent Admissions process.


Further information, regarding applying for a primary school place in Brent, can be found at the following web link. 



Our Policy was last consulted upon in 2022.

Click here for more information on applying for a school place and appeals.



You have the right of appeal for a place at any school you listed on your application. You are strongly advised to accept a place at an alternative school in the meantime. This will ensure that your child will have a school place if your appeal is unsuccessful. The outcome of your appeal will not be affected by accepting a place at another school.

In year: if you wish to appeal against a decision please write formally to our chair of Govoners

Mrs. F. Marini or-

Appeals resulting from in-year applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

Click here for more information on applying for a school place and appeals.



Admissions 2025-2026

To start academic year 2025-2026 (SEPT 2025)



 St. Joseph’s Catholic Junior School was founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for children of Catholic families. As a Catholic school, we aim to provide a Catholic education for all our pupils.  At a Catholic school, Catholic doctrine and practice permeate every aspect of the school’s activity.  It is essential that the Catholic character of the school’s education is fully supported by all families in the school.  All families applying are therefore expected to give their full, unreserved and positive support for the aims and ethos of the school.

 The governing body has responsibility for admissions to this school. The Published Admissions Number {PAN} is 70 pupils for admission to Year 3 each academic year. 

 Unsuccessful candidates will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will be maintained in order of the over-subscription criteria set out in the current Admissions Policy and not in the order in which applications are received or added to the list.

 Admission Arrangements 2025-26

Full details of our current admission arrangements as well as the admission arrangements are explained in the documents below. All queries should be directed to the School.

Saint Joseph's Junior School 

Chatsworth Avenue,



020 8902 3438

Saint Joseph's Junior School Year 3 Admission Policy 2025-26 (Click here to open) 

The Junior School supplementary Information Form for admission (SIF) ( Click here to open) 

Downloadable documents below, please click on the links:

View St Joseph's Parish Boundary here 

View St Erconwald's Parish boundary here


If you are applying for a Year Three class place, you will also need to complete the Brent admissions form.  Please click here for further information about the Brent Admissions process.


Further information, regarding applying for a primary school place in Brent, can be found at the following web link. 



Our Policy was last consulted upon in 2022.

Click here for more information on applying for a school place and appeals.



You have the right of appeal for a place at any school you listed on your application. You are strongly advised to accept a place at an alternative school in the meantime. This will ensure that your child will have a school place if your appeal is unsuccessful. The outcome of your appeal will not be affected by accepting a place at another school.

In year: if you wish to appeal against a decision please write formally to our chair of Govoners

Mrs. F. Marini or-

Appeals resulting from in-year applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

Click here for more information on applying for a school place and appeals.