Sun safe School                                                                  

We are pleased to inform you that Saint Joseph’s Infant and Junior Schools are taking part in the Sun Safe Schools national accreditation programme - the content of which forms part of our duty of care to ensure the health and wellbeing of our children during school hours.

The School Council led an assembly to explain to the children how to stay safe in the sun. I would ask for your support with this by making sure that your child has their hat (with their name on) in school every day and ensuring that your child has sun screen applied each morning before school. Please can you also send in a bottle of sun screen lotion with your child’s name on which will stay in school for them to use. They will apply this as necessary so please practice with them. If you have any questions please talk to us at the gate, email or call. Many thanks. 

Further information can be found below.


Don't forget your sun cap and sun cream for school everyday for safe playtimes! If you do not have your sunhat in when the UV index is high you will have to play in the shade. 

Sunscreen should be SPF 30+, 4 or 5 star UVA sunscreen please clearly label your bottles!


Sun safe School                                                                  

We are pleased to inform you that Saint Joseph’s Infant and Junior Schools are taking part in the Sun Safe Schools national accreditation programme - the content of which forms part of our duty of care to ensure the health and wellbeing of our children during school hours.

The School Council led an assembly to explain to the children how to stay safe in the sun. I would ask for your support with this by making sure that your child has their hat (with their name on) in school every day and ensuring that your child has sun screen applied each morning before school. Please can you also send in a bottle of sun screen lotion with your child’s name on which will stay in school for them to use. They will apply this as necessary so please practice with them. If you have any questions please talk to us at the gate, email or call. Many thanks. 

Further information can be found below.


Don't forget your sun cap and sun cream for school everyday for safe playtimes! If you do not have your sunhat in when the UV index is high you will have to play in the shade. 

Sunscreen should be SPF 30+, 4 or 5 star UVA sunscreen please clearly label your bottles!
