Sports Day 2022


Sports Day this year was held on Thursday 14th July 2022. The children took part in a throwing competition, a long jump competition and a running race. Each year group came to the field in turn to represent their house and cheer on their team mates. The overall winner from each class in the throwing competition went into the overall points total as well as the top three positions in each heat of the running race. 

The Junior School sports day house winners for 2022 were John! 

4th place Mark - 55 points

3rd place Matthew - 93 points

2nd place Luke - 100 points

1st place John - 106 points


Congratulations to all our fantastic athletes!

Year 3 - Saint Catherine & Saint Jude

Year 5 - Saint Joan of Arc & Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Year 4 - Saint Mary & Saint Francis

Year 6 - Saint Faustina & Saint Vincent De Paul