Catholic Life and Mission
A Catholic school is a community of love and hope. It provides young people with a Catholic education, which perceives life as a faith journey. The ultimate aim of a Catholic school is to develop the full potential of all young people, leading to their life-long activities being guided by the Spirit and presence of Christ, in the service of God and of others.
At Saint Joseph’s we aim to love this out in our day to day actions and by the living out of our Mission Statement:
‘We Follow Christ’s Footsteps in Love’.
“Our life spreads light when it is given in service.
The secret of joy is living to serve.”
Pope Francis
Catholic education is distinctive in placing all learning and teaching in a Catholic moral context and in both challenging and supporting young people to develop in mind, body and spirit. The role of a Catholic school is to help everyone in the school community to discover the true value and dignity of each and every human being who, loved by God, has a mission on earth and a destiny which is eternal.
Saint Joseph’s is an open community, concerned with the education of the whole person. It presents a unique, clear vision of God, people and life, centred on Gospel values and reflective of the teaching of the Catholic Church. Hence, the formation of each person is regarded as being as important as the information which is transmitted through the teaching offered.
Saint Joseph’s is supported in its mission by the active partnership of the home, the school and the parish. Together, they provide support for the faith community, helping to form and develop in all a mature Christian conscience, and in addressing the increasingly secular influences of popular culture.
Our school actively engages in charitable outreach which benefits not only those in need but also our pupils by developing their social responsibility.
We are proud to have supported the following charities:
Brent Food Bank
Passage ~ homeless
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Catholic Children's Society
Marie Curie
Uganda Appeal
Mission Together
Thanks to the generosity of our parents and children we have raised over £2,500
Harvest donations for the food bank organised by our prayer leaders
Raising money for Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)
The children asked if we could do something to support the people of Turkey in their recent earthquake. The school council decided to have a special own clothes day for donations. We raised over £1,000
Raising money for Ukraine
Thanks to the generosity of our parents and children we have raised over £2,500
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Gifts for the homeless at Christmas
Catholic Children's Society Crisis Fund
Click the links below to find out more about our Catholic Life and Mission in school: